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How to Whiten Your Sensitive Teeth

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When you have sensitive teeth, there are a lot of things you can’t do. You aren’t able to chew ice, you have to be very careful about extreme hot or cold temperatures, and you often can’t use traditional teeth whitening procedures. Even the regular whitening tooth paste and whitening strips that others use can be harsh on your teeth, leading to more severe pain than what the average person experiences. However, just because you have sensitive teeth, doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Read More»

Why Opt for Laser Dentistry?

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Laser dentistry refers to dental procedures that are done with a laser rather than a standard drill and other such tools. A laser is simply a concentrated beam of light; it doesn’t produce heat to cut through teeth or gums. Many dentists are trained on laser tools and use these in their practice, and there’s a few very good reasons to consider looking for such a dentist when you need some dental work done. Read More»

Tooth Decay and Dental Crowns: What You Need to Know

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Dental crowns can be used for a variety of reasons. They might be purely cosmetic when used to achieve uniformity in your smile. They might also be used when a large cavity or other type of degradation has affected the tooth in question. The problem is repaired and then covered with the crown for added stability and improved aesthetics. When a crown is applied to a natural tooth, there’s a small chance that it might be affected if a cavity was to develop underneath the crown. Read More»

Why is Fluoride Good for the Teeth?

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You may have heard dentists talking about topical fluoride and how good it is for the teeth. In fact, most toothpaste brands on the market today contain fluoride, and most people get their fluoride this way. Why is fluoride essential to your oral health? Here are some of the top reasons why you need fluoride for your teeth. It prevents tooth decay The mouth is full of bacteria that live on the teeth, gums, tongue, and other places in the mouth. Read More»

Protect Your Tooth Enamel With These Tips

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You may not pay much attention to your tooth enamel, but it is important that you take good care of it. The enamel is the top surface of your teeth, providing a protective layer over your teeth to keep them from decay. If your enamel starts to wear away, it can make your teeth more sensitive to temperatures, sugar, and acidic foods and drinks. Here are some ways to protect your enamel. Read More»

Heroin Users and Ex-Addicts: Understanding Your Relationship With Dental Care

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If you are addicted to heroin or recovering from a heroin addiction, you may be wondering how that affects your relationship with dental care. There are a few special things you should keep in mind. Here is what you need to know: 1. You deserve dental care. Your attitude toward dentistry is the cornerstone of your relationship with dental care. Unfortunately, if you are still in the throes of addiction, you may have a low sense of self worth, and you may have a little voice in your head telling you that you don’t deserve nice things in life. Read More»

What You Should Know About TMJ Disorder

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If you are someone that often experiences clicking in the jaw and head pain, you might have a common dental condition called TMJ. This occurs as a result of inflammation in the temporomandibular joint, which goes from your jaw to your mouth. Here are some things to know about TMJ and what can be done about it. There Are a Variety of Symptoms First of all, you might not realize you have TMJ at first because many symptoms are associated with other dental issues as well. Read More»

How to look more youthful

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There are many wonderful things about getting older; you become wiser, more self-confident, and perhaps most importantly, you learn not to sweat the small stuff. However, whilst most people are happy to leave behind the uncertainty and doubt of their younger days, few want to say goodbye to the physical perks of youth, such as smooth skin and healthy teeth. In this article, you can find a few tips which will help you to look youthful long into your twilight years. Read More»

3 Reasons You Should Never Let Your Child Swallow Their Toothpaste

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Children’s toothpastes are often flavoured like bubble gum or some other tasty treat, so it isn’t rare for them to want to swallow it down instead of spit it out. Unfortunately, this can lead to several complications. You might think that toothpaste is fine to ingest since your children are already using it to clean their mouths, but this is not the case. Toothpaste almost always contains fluoride, which is great at keeping teeth healthy. Read More»

Dry Mouth Treatment Tips: Chewing Gum

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Dry mouth syndrome happens when your mouth stops producing enough saliva. This condition can happen for various reasons. For example, it can be a side effect of a medication, caused by smoking or linked to a condition such as diabetes; it may also be a symptom of the menopause. Having a persistently dry mouth can be uncomfortable and painful. A lack of saliva in the mouth can also lead to problems with your teeth and gums. Read More»